Thursday 24 November 2016

Considerations for Choosing the Best VPN

The debate goes on for the best VPN service in UK and we would share our two pennies as well. Without naming or endorsing any brand, we would tell you what we think are the most important considerations while choosing a VPN service provider.

1.    Start by looking at the selection of servers being offered. A VPN service should provide a secure connection preventing hackers and eavesdroppers. It is done by re-channelling your traffic via their server and also by adding a layer of security to the transmitted data. You should have great servers available to start with.

2.    A big determining factor is how much bandwidth you are getting. It all depends on your usage pattern. If you want to stream Netflix in a banned country, you need at least 2GB of bandwidth per day. However, if you are restricted to chat, surf and emails only, you can make do with lower bandwidth allocation.

3.    Price of the VPN is the third consideration. The price of VPN services vary greatly and we would suggest that you check the cost effectiveness over the price alone. You surely don't want to compromise on basic security and anonymity to save a few pennies as that kills the purpose of a VPN.

4.    Device compatibility is the final consideration. PC is not the only device connected to the internet nowadays. You would want your smartphone, your tablet to use the VPN service as well and without a dedicated client, setting us the VPN is a very complex process. Check if the provider has dedicated clients for your devices else the service would be useless.


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