Tuesday 31 January 2017

Use VPN to Easily Watch American Netflix Content

Netflix is being so popular that it is hurting the DVD sales as well. However, their restriction policy is just plain stupid. If you are an American citizen and you have paid for the service and you travel abroad, you will not be able to access your favourite shows. This is plain ridiculous. If you have a Chinese IP, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are from china.

They actually use geo-location based restriction. This means, your IP is all they judge you with. While this is ridiculous, this also makes it very easy to access Netflix content of almost any country from virtually any other country.

How can I get American Netflix contents in my home country? Or, if I am an American and travelling abroad? Like you have guessed, your access will be permitted or allowed depending on your IP. So, you simply need an American IP. An American IP will allow you to access American contents easily.

There are multiple ways to get an American IP but the easiest and the safest way would be use a VPN.  When you are using a VPN, your computer connects to the VPN server and then the VPN server connects and fetches the data from the original target server. The target server, thus, gets to see the request coming from the VPN server and caters to it, thinking it is the actual client. If this server is located in America, the target server, the Netflix server in this case, will think this is a client from within America and unblock the access. Voila, you can easily access all your American Netflix content now.


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