Wednesday 10 May 2017

Simple Solution to Netflix Streaming: VPN

Sometimes a solution of a difficult problem is so simple that we miss it. Believe me, simplicity has its own power. Einstein said, the best solution is always the simplest solution as well. Cutting the philosophy class short, stop wondering on how to watch American Netflix in England. The simple solution is, use a VPN.

A VPN is Virtual Private Network which redirects every traffic via its own server. This means the original location of the VPN user stays hidden from the Netflix servers. That's all you need really, to fool Netflix into considering you as a user from USA.

You might think this is illegal but it is not. Anybody is free to use VPN services and access the internet via it. However, before choosing any VPN, you need to check two things. Firstly, whether the von has a server in the USA or not. Because, when it routes the traffic via its server and Netflix is judging you by the server you use, the von ought to have a server in the USA. Secondly, you also need to check if the VPN service allows streaming of video via their servers or not.

Thankfully, the answer to both of these is yes because almost all of them allows video streaming and has multiple servers in the USA.

Check different packages and select one which suits you the best. There are several VPN service providers who allow you to test their services without paying a penny.


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