Thursday 8 June 2017

Watch American Netflix Anywhere In The World

American Netflix is available in America, period. Or, probably, not period. Because while technically American Netflix is only available in America, there are ways to watch it everywhere in the world. But before I tell you how to do it, learn how they block your access.

Netflix blocks your access to American Netflix by your IP. Every country has dedicated pools of IP and if your IP is outside the range decided for USA, they block your access to contents which are exclusively meant for American viewers. By default, you get an IP from the pool assigned to the country from where you are browsing the internet. How to watch American Netflix then, from a country like UK or France?

The simple answer is VPN servers. VPN stands for virtual private network and it serves many purposes. When you have a VPN service and use the internet via it, the VPN server masks your original data like your Mac address or IP address. Instead, the server provides its own data to the websites you visit. So, the websites get the mac address or IP address of the VPN server only, not you.

Now think that you have a VPN service which has a server in America. Assume that you are accessing Netflix services via that server. So what will Netflix see? Someone with an American IP is trying to access movies and TV shows which are meant for American viewers only and of course, it will allow the access.


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