Monday 3 July 2017

Access All Your Netflix Contents Even When Holidaying Abroad

Almost everybody in UK has got a Netflix account because they want to watch all their favourite serials and films at one place. However, when they go abroad, their Netflix doesn't work anymore. This is because Netflix judges a user by his IP. If a British is holidaying in India, he would obviously access Netflix from an Indian IP. Netflix would promptly call him an Indian and stop his access to his favourite content. People continuously search on how to get Netflix UK especially when they are in another country.

The simple solution to this annoying and nagging problem would be to use a VPN. VPN servers would hide the original IP and every other identifiable details of the user and replace those with its own. For example, the IP, the server would ask the Netflix server for the content and for Netflix, they would see an England IP is trying to access the contents which are earmarked for British users alone, provided that the VPN server is located in England. Netflix would oblige this request without knowing that the original user is sitting in India.

Now, before you jump to buy the first VPN you find, please note where we said, “provided that the VPN server is located in England”. Yes, this is important because a VPN server from Sweden wouldn't unblock the content for you because Netflix would consider it as a Swedish user, trying to access British contents. So, buy a VPN service only if they have servers in the UK.


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